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Free Download Manager (FDM) is an open source and free program that is able to manage all your downloads by organizing them in categories, increasing speed by splitting up a file in multiple parts, perform virus checks, extract archives and more.
It offers many options for customization and can be used as downloader for torrent files, too.
You can import a text file with a list of downloads and the program will take care to download them all. Also, it can be scheduled to run at desired time.
One important feature is the ability to split a file in multiple parts and will download them in parallel, so will result a reduced time until you have the file on your desktop.
Downloads can be organized in custom categories, can be paused and resumed any time, can be integrated your default antivirus software to scan downloaded files automatically and more.
Is possible to integrate it with web browsers such as Firefox or Chrome to manage downloads (Free Download Manager will detect when you are about to download a file and will take care it for you).